Past Events

Keynote speaker, Nancy S. Kirkpatrick, at the podium of the Bellagio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada

User Group 2024

Las Vegas, NV | April 9-12, 2024

See all photos

Speaker at podium and person sitting at panelist table during the EBSCO User Group Meeting in 2023

User Group 2023

Cincinnati, OH | June 7-9, 2023

Screenshot capturing 5 speakers with their cameras on during the online EBSCO User Group Meeting in 2022

User Group 2022

Virtual | June 14-15, 2022

Woman giving a presenting about Accessibility and Inclusion to an audience of attendees in an event room

User Group 2019

San Antonio, TX | October 24-25, 2019

A conference presenter presenting The End-User Journey to an audience of attendees in an event room

User Group 2018

Salt Lake City, UT | October 22-24, 2018

A woman speaking at a podium, and three individuals sitting at a panelist table at a conference

User Group 2016

Boston, MA | March 2016

Testimonials from Past Attendees

  • The ability to talk with users and validate what I’m doing or getting ideas on how to improve what we are doing was extremely beneficial.  

    2024 User Group Attendee

  • This is the best conference! I get so much out of this each year. The Help Desk is amazing. 

    2024 User Group Attendee

  • I really appreciated being able to schedule a session to talk with the FOLIO help desk members. We had several questions about our upcoming migrations and they were helpful with providing solutions. 

    2024 User Group Attendee

  • I learned some interesting facts about GOBI that I brought back to colleagues and learning helpful information about Panorama that I would keep in consideration moving forward with what my library’s needs are. 

    2024 User Group Attendee

  • I loved hearing what others are doing with FOLIO and the development of future updates. It was great to get to interact with the POs and other users in an informal setting (meals, networking times, etc.) and get to compare the different ways that our libraries use different services so that we can come up with ideas for future use. I also loved how receptive the POs are to ideas from the community; they are truly interested in use cases and what the libraries have to offer.

    2023 User Group Attendee

  • It is great for me to have the ability to learn more about the products that we use from others in academic libraries. At our state level conference, it skews heavily towards public and k-12 libraries, so having a specific academic group lets me get the most out of the conference.

    2023 User Group Attendee

  • I am a new e-resources/systems librarian, and this was tremendously helpful for me to get a better understanding of the whole e-resources ecosystem. I had also put FOLIO on my list of things to investigate when I got this job, so having a whole day devoted to it was extremely beneficial in helping me think more about it.

    2023 User Group Attendee

  • The metadata session with Peter McCracken was informative AND a therapy session (20+yrs serials librarian here) but what made it extra special was EBSCO staff being willing to respond and address concerns and future tactics in the moment. It was a tense environment but knowing that information and questions were not just heard by EBSCO staff but that they were willing to give us some real time feedback means we all will work to improve our overall communications around issues and reports. It was impressive to see and could not have been easy.

    2023 User Group Attendee